Fullstack Junior Web Developer

Based in the UK

Bringing a fresh perspective to the tech industry, helping shape the future

Latest Works

My Projects



A 4 week, end of bootcamp final project. The idea of the app is to keep track of all of your friends movie recommendations


Pomodoro Timer

A simple interval timer to help boost productivity. The user can set their preferred work, break & interval settings



A mid bootcamp project. The idea is to have a repository of code snippets a user can create & comment on


Higher Or Lower

One of my first experiences using a 3rd party API. Written with vanilla JS... Thank humanity for frameworks & libraries!



A personal project for me and my now wife. Instead of collecting our guests RSVP meal preferences via post, they could instead submit online

A little about me

Who Am I ?

Hi there! I'm Ben, I'm a junior developer based in England. I've always been fascinated with technology and gaming, ever since I was a kid. I used to spend hours tinkering with gadgets and playing games, that interest has only continued to grow as I've gotten older.

Journey Through The School of Code Bootcamp

I decided to turn my passion into a career, so I enrolled in the School of Code bootcamp. It was a life-changing decision for me, and I learned so much about coding and about myself. The bootcamp was an incredible journey of self-discovery, and it opened up so many opportunities for me. I got to connect with amazing, hardworking individuals from all walks of life, and I'm grateful for the experience.

Innovating with a Fresh Perspective

As a junior developer, I bring a fresh perspective and drive to innovate to the table. I have a passion for exploration and continuous learning, and I approach challenges with a unique perspective. I'm dedicated to creating projects that not only look great but are accessible.

Balancing Adventure and Tech

When I'm not coding, I love to go on adventures and seek out new challenges. I love exploring new destinations and cultures, staying up-to-date on the latest tech advancements, gaming, and finding new ways to push my limits. I recently went on a trip to Bali for my honeymoon, and it was an incredible experience. We washed elephants, explored the sacred Monkey forest, and went on a Jungle Quad biking adventure. My love for exploration, learning, and growth drives me and keeps me motivated, and I bring that same passion and determination to every project I work on.

Technologies I Use

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